Zodiac RE/U Electric Heater

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Calentador Eléctrico RE/U Zodiac
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The U-shaped electric heater is ideal for heating large pools from 80 to 160 m3.

Electric Heater RE/U Zodiac

For pools from 80 to 160 m3. Complete digital controller (thermostat, timer). Very resistant (EPDM flanges, Hypalon connections).
Power from 12 to 24 kW

Technical features

  • Electric panel with regulation thermostat (± 0,5 ºC) with LCD display and timer.
  • High temperature limiter.
  • Flow switch.
  • Luminous control switch + indicators.
  • Power meters.
  • EPDM flanges.
  • HYPALON connections.

*Scroll horizontally to view the complete table.

Technical features RE/U 12 mono RE/U 15 mono RE/U 15 tri RE/U 18 tri RE/U 21 tri RE/U 24 tri
Model W40TIT12M W40TIT15M W40TIT15 W40TIT18 W40TIT21 W40TIT24
Maximum Volume (m3)* 80 100 100 120 140 160
Power resistors (kW)** 6 + 6 6 + 9 6 + 9 9 + 9 9 + 12 12 + 12
Absorbed current (A)*** 53 66 22 26 31 35
Power cable cross section (mm2)**** 3 x 16 3 x 16 5 x 6 5 x 6 5 x 10 5 x 10
Minimum flow rate (m3/h) 5
Maximum flow rate (m3/h) 22
Hydraulic connection PVC Ø 50 or Ø 63
Weight (kg) 12

* Estimated average values for private pool with thermal blanket, from May 15 to September 15. Air at 15ºC
** Manufacturing tolerance of +/- 5%.
*** Tolerance of effective tension from +6 to -10%.
**** For a maximum length of 20 meters.

Warranty information

3 years from the manufacturer according to Royal Decree Law 7/2021 of April 27.

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