Splash portable elevator for disabled people AstralPool

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Semi-portable installation chair on the pool beach for handicapped people. Trolley to transport the chair included to facilitate its installation in different locations. A ground anchor is required for installation.
Its 24 V rechargeable battery powers a metal actuator, ensuring that the equipment is always ready for use.
Duration of 30 cycles once charged. Waterproof control knob.



Splash Portable Lift Manual

Splash Portable Lift for the disabled AstralPool

Semi-portable installation chair on the pool deck for the disabled.


  • Trolley to transport the chair included to facilitate its installation in different locations.
  • A floor anchor is required for installation.
  • Its 24 V rechargeable battery powers a metal actuator, ensuring that the equipment is always ready for use.
  • Duration of 30 cycles once charged.
  • Waterproof control knob.
  • The Splash lift is equipped with a structure made of water-resistant materials to prevent corrosion, armrests and footrests.
  • Its load capacity of 136 kg and its 359º maneuvering radius make it one of the most practical solutions for a handicapped person to access the pool.

Warranty information

3 years from the manufacturer according to Royal Decree Law 7/2021, April 27th.

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