AstralPool Antialgae Concentrate

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AstralPool's anti-algae concentrate offers highly effective anti-algae protection. Fast-acting compound, formulated with surfactant products with a high bactericidal, algaecide and fungicide power, designed to prevent the formation and development of algae in the pool water.



AstralPool Antialgae Concentrate Technical Data Sheet 
AstralPool Pool Care Guide

AstralPool Antialgae Concentrate

AstralPool's concentrated anti-algae concentrate offers highly effective anti-algae protection. Fast-acting compound, formulated based on surfactant products with a high bactericidal, algaecidal and fungicidal power, designed to prevent the formation and development of algae in the pool water.


  • Appearance: Fluid liquid
  • Color: Blue
  • pH (concentrated at 20°C): 7 - 7.5
  • Density 20°C: 1 g/cc
  • Contents: Benzalkonium Chloride


Initial Treatment: Add 1 l of Antialgae Concentrate per 100 m3 of water.

The Initial Treatment can be repeated whenever a lack of transparency in the water is observed.

These doses are indicative, and can be modified depending on the characteristics of each pool, weather, etc...

Instructions for use

Prevention against algae: Pour the necessary dose in a container with water and spread the solution evenly over the surface of the pool.

The addition of the chemical products should preferably be done at dusk and without the presence of bathers in the pool water.

Periodic disinfection of the pool basin: Before refilling the pool, it is recommended to impregnate the walls and bottom with a solution of Antialgae Concentrate (0.5 l of the product in 10 l of water), thus forming a protective film with disinfectant action.

Disinfection of the pool environment: The surfaces that are part of the pool environment can become slippery and can be a vehicle for the transmission of diseases. To avoid these inconveniences we advise to apply daily by means of a sprayer or watering can a solution of Antialgae Concentrate (3 l of the product in 10 l of water). After one hour, these surfaces should be rinsed with abundant water.

The advice for use is given for information only and may vary due to changes in the formulation or modifications by the manufacturer. It is necessary to follow the instructions contained in the label that accompanies the product.

Available in containers of:

  • 11420 - 4 containers of 5 liters (20 liters in total, the liter comes out at 3.40 €).
  • 11421 - 25 liters container (the liter costs 3,20 €)
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